
Recipe: Turkey Mince and Veg

 Turkey Mince and Veg This idea come from a few weeks ago, when I was in Tesco and saw minced beef with butternut squash already mixed in to it. First of all chop up some spring onions and three cloves of garlic, gently fry these in a big pan. Add in to this some chives, parsley, salt and pepper. Break up some turkey mince (you can use any other kind you want, I just went for turkey as it was the cheapest at the time) and add this to the pan. At this stage I added some paprika and 2 Oxo cubes. Add to this some swede and carrott mash, mix this in to the mince. Once the mince has begun to brown add a whole tim of chopped tomatos and mix well. Bring it to the boil and simmer for 15 mins, making sure it don't stick. Turn the heat off and keep the lid on. The built up heat will keep cooking the mince and veg. You can serve this up with whole grain rice or maybe some cous cous. I use the microwave pouches as they are more convenient. You will need to bring the mince up to temperature. Th

Health Issues - Update 3rd July 2024

 Health Issues: Update Why is my right knee being a pain? It goes weak a lot of the time. I have had to get a crutch because when it plays up I feel a walking stick don't offer me the support that I need. I feel fed up , and when it goes weak when I am in my flat I am trapped inside . Sunday 30th June: Not long up, feeling a bit off this morning, hope that improves. Bit on the achy side, on my scale of 1 to 10, about a 5 Friday 28th June: Covered a show today, but as the afternoon went on my pain went from a 3 to a 7, hope it eases by tomorrow! Thursday 27th June: Pain at about 7 out of 10 this morning, did my Imraldi injection and within a few hours and a few gabapentin later pain had gone down to around my baseline pain level of about 4 out of 10. Wednesday 26th June: Really bad pain day - out of 10, its about a 9. Its more or less all over pain. Monday 24th June: Feeling wiped out, hardly no energy, pain at around a 7 out of 10. Knee really causing issues today, ok one mome

Scamming B******

SCAMMING BA$**** Just had a scammer phone my landline, from visa debit card - how dull do they think people are? My debit card is a Master Card, they don't even know who my bank is! And visa wouldn't phone anyway, the bank would, kept them on the line as long as I could. A bit more about this...... So, I had a scam call on my landline, I knew it was a scam call because they said its 'VISA DEBIT CARD', which I don't have as I have a 'MASTERCARD DEBIT CARD' I kept the scammer on the line as long as I could, I know the longer they are on the line with me, the less time they have to try to scam someone else!  Playing them at their own game, I think I got them confused as they started dithering and then hung up.  They didn't get any numbers from me, they didn't know what number they phoned, didn't know my name or address and didnt know who I banked with!  SCAMMERS really are thick as two short planks! They think they know things but they dont! I am fi

Sausage & Mash One Dish Meal

Sausage & Mash One Dish Meal This is whats needed for this tasty dish, which you need to fry the sausages and onion seperatly before putting it in the dish for the oven. You will also need to cook and mash the potato or cheat and get ready mashed!  Sausage (you can use vegi or vegan alternatives) Onion (spring and regular) Mashed potato (regular, sweet potato or other) To season use salt, pepper, garlic, Worcester Sauce and / or your choice of herbs to make it your own! See the video at

Bad knee week

Bad Knee Had an awful week with painful right knee on Tuesday, then thanks to painkillers and gabapentin the next day the pain had subsided and my knee was just very weak. I decided to put on a knee support and that helped. I managed the stairs on Thursday, and also decided to give driving a go, as was unsure if my knee was ok for doing this or not, glad to say it was. Friday, and thought my kneee was ok, stupidly decided not to put on my knee support. Drat - thought my knee was getting better, and had improved, had to pop to Morrisons for few bits and it gave way - I may have to decide if I should chance going to do my show or not tomorrow, will have a think and see how it goes, maybe I should have worn my knee support?  In Review: My bad knee this week, and looking how my hips and kness are on a regular basis, along with my back and other health issues really make the need for a ground floor flat or bungallow an urgency. I do not want to be stuck in an upstairs flat and trapped in m

Recipe: Chicken Cottage Pie

  Chicken Cottage Pie First of all chop two small onions and gently fry until semi translucent, in to that add some garlic (granules or minced or chopped - your choice) along with a little pepper and salt, then add your minced chicken (you can use turkey if you want).  Gently fry until the mince has cooked through, then add a small tin of sweetcorn and about half an egg cup full of light soy sauce. Mix through and then put the mixture in to a casserole dish. Now for the mashed potatoes, you can do this from scratch or buy ready mashed. You can use sweet potatoes or ordinary potatoes if you wish, in to the mash add some soft cheese, I used garlic and herb, mix this through the mash and spoon on top of the mince. Cook in the oven for and hour or so on gas mark 7, or equivalent. Serve with peas or maybe peas and carrots mixed. Let me know what you think of this dish.

Police Visit in May

  Visit from Police  Yesterday was a bit of an arresting day, well the afternoon was anyway. Following a recent bump in Tesco's car park, Motability and the insurance company had been in touch with South Wales Police who popped by to see if all was ok. Apparently as I have health health issues, they need to check on things. My Dad had just left within the hour previous, and had said he was feeling rough. This kind of stressed me out, PANIC PANIC PANIC.... and breath! I did tell them this, and as I have a blood pressure monitor checked my blood pressure while they were here. Their initial responce was ' we should get an ambulance ', I told them not to, and checked again just before they left, by which time it had dropped close to normal levels for me. I do think however the sight of a young man in uniform may have aided in the high blood pressure reading. I'm fine though, and so pleased to know that these checks do occur, just wish they hadn't yesterday in the light