Early May 2022

Early May, and what a start to my birthday month it was 2nd May: Every bone in my body is aching, my throat is sore, it hurts to talk, cold then hot then cold, been sneezing, been sick, got a headache... what is this thing I've got? and how have I caught it? Well it's not Covid, but still, how did I catch anything? I've kept wearing the mask even after the Welsh Government said we no longer had to. I've been really careful! 3rd May: Feeling a little better, but got a feeling my back is gonna be hitting me tomorrow 4th May: Just after 3am and OWWWWWWCCHHHH Aching from head to toe, slight high pitched noise in my ears, tingly all over, Fibromyalgia working with my Ankylosing Spondylitis to woke me up, hate this, I really hate this. Pain at level 9.5 out of 10 5th May: So after my full allowance of Co-Codamol, and Gabapentin backed up with 10 doses of CDB oil, the pain has FINALLY gone down to 7 out of 10, still not a good level but its getting there FACTS : The ...