
Showing posts with the label #healthupdate

Feeling fed up

  I'm feeling fed up. My health is really getting to me big time. My fortnightly injection seems to not be as efficiant as it used to be, my medication seems to be less good at doing what it should be doing. Now I know I can't be put on anything stronger as my stomach wont be able to deal with it... damn having a fragile one! I decided at the start of the new year to keep pushing to find a job to do. Now I know I am limited, but do know what I am good at.  I have been looking for social media roles, because I know I am good at that, and back during the pandemic did an online course on it that I passed. I am also looking for radio and tv work, as I have experiance of both, and again during the pandemic, did a basic online journalism course. I keep getting knocked back, and know the reason why. It's not because of lack of skills or determination, it is the fact I have health issues and companies would rather take on someone who is fully able bodied and fit.  This makes me s...

August 2023 - More in-depth update

Another new month, we sure are zooming through 2023 aren't we! August started with a visit to Neath Port Talbot hospital and an appointment in the Rheumatology department. I had to score my aches and pains and the Fibromyalgia. I think I may have under scored them some what! Time to keep taking a record for this month starting with 2nd August! WEDNESDAY 2nd: Feeling run down and achy, about 5 out of 10. I did have an appointment to see the nurse at the surgery, but emailed to cancel as feeling less than well enough to venture out. BP FIRST THING 124 / 83    BLOOD SUGAR 6.9 THURSDAY 3rd: I HAD to venture out to get some bits. Went to Home Bargains, was pushing the trolley and my hip started playing up. My aches and pains this morning started as about a 4 out of 10. By the time I got back to the car it turned in to 6 out of 10. Still not finished I made my way to Morrisons. By the time I finished in there I was feeling very run down, every bone in my body and every joint was...

April 2023

  April 2023, and it started of with great pain.  Saturday 1st April 2023: Started off the new month with pain at about 5 out of 10, this increased to about 8 out of 10 as the day went on. Early to bed, pain killers had, lower back is in terrible agony, hurts to sit and stand - heating pad on, which is helping. Sunday 2 nd April 2023: Still very achy but less than I was yesterday when I went to bed, pain at about 6 out of 10. Seem to have a runny nose too. Saturday 8th April: So there are Semaglutide supply issues again. People seem to be getting hold of it somehow and selling it on the black market, the Semaglutide helps people lose weight it's been discovered, and people are using that and buying it. It's annoying because I need it to control my blood sugar, it's taken me ages to get to where I am, I'm off the insulin now, only having to inject once a week for my diabetes instead of every day, don't have to worry about constant testing (pricking my fingers to g...

2nd Month of 2023

  Oh damn, fibro flare up, can hear the pain in my head, painful tingle all over... welcome to the new month 😓 Well, 1 st of the month, and after being woken up in the early hours, I got some cleaning bits done! Then I was looking in the hall cupboard for a trowel which I thought I had, as was going to go outside and take out dead growth from my tubs, and came over sick and seemed to have made my pain levels rise again.... damn it! I had such good intentions for this afternoon.   2 nd day of the month, its update time! Eyes: got more laser zapping tomorrow on my good eye to keep it good, will chase my bad eye appointment at the same time! Health: feeling better today than yesterday, I didn't really pace myself yesterday, as soon as I felt better, I threw myself into doing things, will I ever learn? Friday 3rd Feb: at the diabetic eye clinic for more laser zapping on my right eye, the good one to keep it good, but also had a scan of my left eye. It seems some...

December 2022 - Brrrr what a cold one

  December - the start of Winter... photo taken by Philip England And since the start of this month I have been without my Imraldi injection, this has seemed to cause more issues for my body to deal with, seems the fibromyalgia has taken note of this and been playing with me. I couldn't get my Ozempic, once weekly injection for my diabetes. Nowhere in Swansea had the 1mg dosage I normally have, I phoned NHS111 and even they couldn't locate any stock in the whole of South or West Wales. My GP, Dr Burke, managed to find out that my chemist had the 0.5mg dosage variety, so will have to double up on that one for now. This cold weather hasn't helped matters. My breathing has been hurting, I've been in pain my back and other parts, and haven't really been able to keep warm and stay warm. I’ve once again had issues with sickness first thing, especially today, Friday 16th December. Not too sure why, but took half a day to clear. Speaking of things clearing, my left eye is s...

November 2022 - Health Blog Entry

  1st November 2022: Not much changes with the month, aches and pains continue. My eye is still a blur, no real sign of improvement, which is really pissing me off now big time. I'm supposed to be driving down to Surrey on 20th December to dog sit, at this moment in time I fear I won't be doing that. EDIT: I've been passed for driving, given the all clear by a field vision test So fed up with life, fed up of not being able to go places driving my self.  22nd November: For a while now, a number of years, I've been sick at least once a day. Not sure why, but there is no pattern to it, no set time of day. It's annoying, and a bit worrying, I also hear my stomach and intestines making noises. On top of this my left eye is still all a blur. 29th November: So as another month comes to an end, I am due to start more zapping of laser this time on my right eye (when my left one isn't clear to see out of yet!). On the plus side I am no longer on insulin and the doctor ...

October 2022 - Autumn has arrived!

October, and Autumn seems to have really arrived  with wind and rain! The early part of this month I felt very sluggish and tired, spent a lot of time in bed, I really think I have the seasonal blues!. Friday 7th: Had Nero as always during the day time, then in the evening had Cosmo and Harley, but before they arrived decided to invite Neil up to help me with them. Saturday 8th: Had a pain in my side when I woke up, it was there a little bit yesterday but only slight. Run Neil and the dogs over to his. In the evening pain was still there but worse, not bad enough to warrent phoning NHS111 or out of hours doctor. Sunday 9th: Feeling cold, and still have that pain, but it is easing. Monday 10th: Monday morning, start of a new week, same old problems. Back, neck and shoulders up to their usual thing, pain at a so-so level of 5 out of 10. I'm feeling cold and drained, but I must get the milk in though, so must summon up the energy to get out of bed! Tuesday 11th: The pain continues...

September 2022

  In to September we go, and not a good start to it really... I haven't been feeling too good the last few days, not too sure how I am today yet either, but I was just sick, so that's not good. I just want to be well and not in pain any more, and have the vision back in my left eye. At long last, got my eye surgery appointment date . 14th Sept to have pre op check, 19th for Covid test (I think), then have to self isolate so I don't catch anything until 22nd Sept - operation day. 8th September: The passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II , what a massive part of life she has been, always there to look up to, and who's kind words soothed the nation, especially during the pandemic. It really feels like part of the world has been taken away, my heart is aching. 11th September: Slight pain flare up, not too bad, about a 7.5 out of 10 12th September, 4am: Just woke up and was sick, don't feel too good. On the plus side the pain seems to have subsided, its at about a 6 out of...

Late August Update 2023

Blog Entry: 24th August: Fibromyalgia pain flareup again - pain level 8 out of 10, I'm in agony, lower back and hips seem to be the worst  Not too sure why, but with each flare up I seem to get a few days either side of it when my back goes itchy and all I want to do is scratch until I can scratch no more! Blog Entry: 25th August: Well, it's Thursday, and after pain killers and CBD oil before an early night, I can say I'm ready to tackle the day. The flare up has well and truly been knocked down, pain level at about a 3 out of 10.  So it's a case of up and at it. Have a good day everyone. To those affected by the Liverpool shooting the other day, my thoughts are with you, it's a nasty thing to have happened, and God willing, it won't happen again.  But life goes on, and if we let things like this get to us we will just give up on living.

Blog Entry: 23rd June 2022

  Blog Entry: 23 rd June 2022 Since the last entry, my pain has been between 3 and 6 out of 10 . I did have a flare up on the 17 th June , that came on in the afternoon, which my friend’s dog, Nero, picked up on, he stayed by my side all afternoon until he went home. On the 18 th June my left knee decided to give way, and was weak for most of the weekend. I dog sat a friend’s 2 dogs, the biggest of the two, Cosmo (pictured), really looked after me, my following me around the flat and standing right by my left knee, I think he was trying to hold me up! I had a dentist appointment on the 22 nd June, a check-up. I have to go back on the 13 th July for three fillings. Say hello to Cosmo!

Eye Issue, Diabetes, Jabs and Mental Health

Really fed up with my left eye. Floaters and blurriness.  Went to the hospital on Monday, had eye drops and then pictures taken. Went in to get eye examined. The specialist confirmed that there had been a bleed at the back of the eye, but couldn't see the source of it, so decided not to zap with laser to fix the issue. My eye seems to be producing lots of gunk, keep having to wipe clean, some mornings have to unstick my left eye. Using gentle eye drops which seem to help. A further appointment for Monday 13th December has been made, so this blog post will be updated further then. Now, the eye problem is diabetes related, on the Friday before I saw the diabetic nurse, good news, blood sugars are down close to where they should be, it is still the intention to get me off the Insullin as soon as is possible. Also my cholesterol is in a good place.  While in with the nurse, I chatted to her about how I was feeling. Told her that I am fed up, and that I can't bring myse...