
Showing posts with the label #chronicpain

Health Issues - Update 3rd July 2024

 Health Issues: Update Why is my right knee being a pain? It goes weak a lot of the time. I have had to get a crutch because when it plays up I feel a walking stick don't offer me the support that I need. I feel fed up , and when it goes weak when I am in my flat I am trapped inside . Sunday 30th June: Not long up, feeling a bit off this morning, hope that improves. Bit on the achy side, on my scale of 1 to 10, about a 5 Friday 28th June: Covered a show today, but as the afternoon went on my pain went from a 3 to a 7, hope it eases by tomorrow! Thursday 27th June: Pain at about 7 out of 10 this morning, did my Imraldi injection and within a few hours and a few gabapentin later pain had gone down to around my baseline pain level of about 4 out of 10. Wednesday 26th June: Really bad pain day - out of 10, its about a 9. Its more or less all over pain. Monday 24th June: Feeling wiped out, hardly no energy, pain at around a 7 out of 10. Knee really causing issues today, ok one mome...

Continuing struggle with Fibromyalgia

Continuing struggle with Fibromyalgia As I have said before, it is a bit like an amplifier, turning up the volume on my pain and other issues. Just because I've not written about it, don't mean to say I'm not living it. My pain level most days is around 4 to 6 out of 10. The last few days, however, things have not been too good, as my Facebook posts show! THURSDAY 29th FEB Well, as you may know, I am always in pain to some degree and do push myself on a regular basis.  Well in the last few hours been getting twinges which point to one thing, a fibro flare up. It's been a while since I've had one, but here it comes, wonder what time it will show up? FRIDAY 1st MARCH Well I've been awake since about 2am, in agony, pain at about 9 out of 10, am all tingly and feels like bad pins and needles, with horrendous aches - it's one hell of a fibro flare up. Off to bed, still not right after flare up, feels different to past ones in a way. SATURDAY 2nd MARCH Didn't ...

October 2023

October 2023   This is the month of my holiday to Austria & Slovenia! Wednesday 3rd October: Damn it, fibromyalgia strikes in the night again. My whole body is in agony, feeling extremely tingly and achy. Not even sure I can remember a warning sign of its impending visit yesterday 🥺 Not a way to be woken up in the night that's for sure. Think I may have forgotten my gabapentin though, so that could be why it's dropped by 😔 Thursday 5th October: Well, a sluggish day so far today, got Nero later (he always cheers me up big time, bless him) Doctor will be phoning later to discuss my diabetic readings of the last few days. Also today am waiting on Amazon delivery, and I think one other parcel too. My mind is going... I thought I had Amazon order coming today... guess who forgot to check out his order? never mind, will come tomorrow now. Had Nero today, he’s a fantastic dog, he looks after me, he’s like my shadow! Friday 6th October: Just gone 5am What the.... my lower back,...

June 2023

June 2023 Another month, same ol' stuff going on. At the start of the month I managed a walk, only a gentle walk, but a walk nether the less, my body didn't thank me for it, day after the walk I was in agony.  Couldn't do anything around the flat at all. The dry weather although nice, is really not agreeing with me. As the humid weather kicked in around about the 9th of June my breathing became difficult. Waking up in bed full of sweat wasn't pleasant, combine that with chronic pain and Fibromyalgia amplifying it ... Not good. On Wednesday 14th I've got another laser eye zapping to get through... not looking forward to it though. As I get ready to head to the hospital, Wednesday 14th June, I am hoping it's the last of the laser zapping, I just want my vision properly back in my left eye.  Bit on the achy side again this morning which is making getting ready difficult, but as normal, I struggle on. Well, the laser eye zapping went ok, can see a bit clearer, but n...

May 2023

  In to the fifth month of the year , still getting tired a lot, my blood pressure seems to be improving, and my diabetic blood sugar levels seem to be within a good range. Eye wise, I am due some laser zapping again to clear up as one specialist called it, frosting behind the lens that was put in, after that my vision should be ok, so am now on a waiting list for that!   5 th May 2023: Woke up by great pain in my right arm, right shoulder, top of my back and neck, feeling sick with the pain again too. Pain is at 9 out of 10 I would say.   8 th May 2023: Well, it’s my 48 th birthday today, kind of a quiet one, uneventful, but that’s ok. Pain at a capable level, felt a little queasy this morning but not sick though.   9 th May 2023: Managed to venture out today with Neil. Had a little walk along the beach foot path, got some good fresh sea air and some moody photos, here is one of them.... photo © Philip (Phil) England MMXX!!! 16th May 2023: Last...

April 2023

  April 2023, and it started of with great pain.  Saturday 1st April 2023: Started off the new month with pain at about 5 out of 10, this increased to about 8 out of 10 as the day went on. Early to bed, pain killers had, lower back is in terrible agony, hurts to sit and stand - heating pad on, which is helping. Sunday 2 nd April 2023: Still very achy but less than I was yesterday when I went to bed, pain at about 6 out of 10. Seem to have a runny nose too. Saturday 8th April: So there are Semaglutide supply issues again. People seem to be getting hold of it somehow and selling it on the black market, the Semaglutide helps people lose weight it's been discovered, and people are using that and buying it. It's annoying because I need it to control my blood sugar, it's taken me ages to get to where I am, I'm off the insulin now, only having to inject once a week for my diabetes instead of every day, don't have to worry about constant testing (pricking my fingers to g...

March in to a new month

March it is then , a new month and St. David’s Day!, just had to escape the flat today so ended up in Gloucester with Neil. Not too bad a day out all be it a bit cold and damp.   Thursday 2 nd March: Well after yesterday, I am in agony today. My back and my left hip are in great pain, lower back is the worst!     I hope it eases soon. The sun is out and shining in the window so will sit with my back to the window so the sun can work its magic, would rather the heat of the sun than force myself to take co-codamol. Saturday 4th March: So, it is Saturday, and I feel bored, trapped and stuck in a rut.  Look what happened when I tried to break out on Wednesday.... I caught a chill, and to make things worse, the friend I took with me also caught a chill.... I feel guilty  I'm too scared to try getting out of the rut I am stuck in again in case I catch something else!, you know, I think I may be becoming paranoid…. Wednesday 8th March: It's a snow day, and...

2nd Month of 2023

  Oh damn, fibro flare up, can hear the pain in my head, painful tingle all over... welcome to the new month 😓 Well, 1 st of the month, and after being woken up in the early hours, I got some cleaning bits done! Then I was looking in the hall cupboard for a trowel which I thought I had, as was going to go outside and take out dead growth from my tubs, and came over sick and seemed to have made my pain levels rise again.... damn it! I had such good intentions for this afternoon.   2 nd day of the month, its update time! Eyes: got more laser zapping tomorrow on my good eye to keep it good, will chase my bad eye appointment at the same time! Health: feeling better today than yesterday, I didn't really pace myself yesterday, as soon as I felt better, I threw myself into doing things, will I ever learn? Friday 3rd Feb: at the diabetic eye clinic for more laser zapping on my right eye, the good one to keep it good, but also had a scan of my left eye. It seems some...

New Year Same Shi... First blog of 2023

New year, same shi.... know what, let's change that bit, there are some things we can't change in our lives, but there is so many things we can, so lets put a positive spin on this and let's do it! Same old issues to start the new year. Still no change with the vision in my left eye, and still no change with other bits of my health either.   As the new year went on, and as we hurtle towards the end of the month, have been getting woken up with pain. Managed to speak to my doctor, who is going to be writing to the hospital specialists to sort out a further appointment for my aches and pains. She says it is inflammation causing me pain.   I’ve been on Imraldi injections :-   This information taken from Imraldi is a medicine that acts on the immune system and is used to treat the following conditions: plaque psoriasis (a disease causing red, scaly patches on the skin) psoriatic arthritis (a disease causing red, scal...

December 2022 - Brrrr what a cold one

  December - the start of Winter... photo taken by Philip England And since the start of this month I have been without my Imraldi injection, this has seemed to cause more issues for my body to deal with, seems the fibromyalgia has taken note of this and been playing with me. I couldn't get my Ozempic, once weekly injection for my diabetes. Nowhere in Swansea had the 1mg dosage I normally have, I phoned NHS111 and even they couldn't locate any stock in the whole of South or West Wales. My GP, Dr Burke, managed to find out that my chemist had the 0.5mg dosage variety, so will have to double up on that one for now. This cold weather hasn't helped matters. My breathing has been hurting, I've been in pain my back and other parts, and haven't really been able to keep warm and stay warm. I’ve once again had issues with sickness first thing, especially today, Friday 16th December. Not too sure why, but took half a day to clear. Speaking of things clearing, my left eye is s...

November 2022 - Health Blog Entry

  1st November 2022: Not much changes with the month, aches and pains continue. My eye is still a blur, no real sign of improvement, which is really pissing me off now big time. I'm supposed to be driving down to Surrey on 20th December to dog sit, at this moment in time I fear I won't be doing that. EDIT: I've been passed for driving, given the all clear by a field vision test So fed up with life, fed up of not being able to go places driving my self.  22nd November: For a while now, a number of years, I've been sick at least once a day. Not sure why, but there is no pattern to it, no set time of day. It's annoying, and a bit worrying, I also hear my stomach and intestines making noises. On top of this my left eye is still all a blur. 29th November: So as another month comes to an end, I am due to start more zapping of laser this time on my right eye (when my left one isn't clear to see out of yet!). On the plus side I am no longer on insulin and the doctor ...

October 2022 - Autumn has arrived!

October, and Autumn seems to have really arrived  with wind and rain! The early part of this month I felt very sluggish and tired, spent a lot of time in bed, I really think I have the seasonal blues!. Friday 7th: Had Nero as always during the day time, then in the evening had Cosmo and Harley, but before they arrived decided to invite Neil up to help me with them. Saturday 8th: Had a pain in my side when I woke up, it was there a little bit yesterday but only slight. Run Neil and the dogs over to his. In the evening pain was still there but worse, not bad enough to warrent phoning NHS111 or out of hours doctor. Sunday 9th: Feeling cold, and still have that pain, but it is easing. Monday 10th: Monday morning, start of a new week, same old problems. Back, neck and shoulders up to their usual thing, pain at a so-so level of 5 out of 10. I'm feeling cold and drained, but I must get the milk in though, so must summon up the energy to get out of bed! Tuesday 11th: The pain continues...

Late August Update 2023

Blog Entry: 24th August: Fibromyalgia pain flareup again - pain level 8 out of 10, I'm in agony, lower back and hips seem to be the worst  Not too sure why, but with each flare up I seem to get a few days either side of it when my back goes itchy and all I want to do is scratch until I can scratch no more! Blog Entry: 25th August: Well, it's Thursday, and after pain killers and CBD oil before an early night, I can say I'm ready to tackle the day. The flare up has well and truly been knocked down, pain level at about a 3 out of 10.  So it's a case of up and at it. Have a good day everyone. To those affected by the Liverpool shooting the other day, my thoughts are with you, it's a nasty thing to have happened, and God willing, it won't happen again.  But life goes on, and if we let things like this get to us we will just give up on living.

Early August 2022 - Health Update

7th August - Blog Entry: Heat is building! Had a funny feeling I had over done yesterday, down and upstairs a number of times sorting my plant tubs out in the garden, before doing that going to Home Bargains and Tesco's, I ignored my limits and just kept on going, and now I am paying for it, not as bad as it could have been but still enough to stop me from doing much today. Should be popping to see some of the Cuppa and Chat group later this morning (if I can manage it!) 11th August - Blog Entry: In a scorching heatwave!  Woken up by a thumping headache, feeling a bit queasy, and my neck and shoulders are killing me! I hate feeling like this, just feel like hiding away when I feel like this, the heat isn't helping 17th August - Blog Entry: Finally it feels fresher! So I may have over done sorting out cupboards today, my back and shoulders are starting to play up!         I seemed to have only just moved things out and right back in, nothing got thrown away....

In To July - Monday 4th - Wednesday 6th July

  Blog Entry: Monday 4th July Morning everyone, back killing me, neck feels tender, hay fever seems to be appearing again Later that day: Pain flare up 😭 going to try and lay down and attempt to get sleep. Blog Entry: Tuesday 5th July Didn't sleep too well, pain kept waking me up. At this moment in time it's at about 8 out of 10, think at its peak it was 9 out of 10 so a slight reduction Later in the morning: Pain slowly subsiding, its about a 7 out of 10 right now as of 11:30am Edit - 5:40pm: Still in great pain, it's at about 7.5 out of 10.   Edit - 8:30pm: Still in pain, it's at about 7 out of 10 now, going to put a CBD patch on, few more CBD oil drops and head to bed for an early night.   I have got a hospital appointment coming up on the 7 th July, you watch, I will be in a good day that day THOUGHT You know, trying to voice track a show when in pain takes a while to do, and can really hurt, yet I keep pushing myself. I enjoy doing radio, gives me...

Last 4 Days - 10th June 2022

 Blog Entry: Friday 10h June 2022 Last 4 Days 7th June: Morning all, a bit achy again this morning, think I slept on my right side as my right arm feels like a weight, my neck is in agony too.  Later in the day: Not feeling too good, feeling a bit sick thanks to a terrible pain flare up, it just crept up on me, a lay down I think for the now. 8th June: Last night's flare up started to subside finally, didn't sleep too well at all, pain is currently at a 6.5 out of 10, last night it was around 8. 10th June: As the 2nd test starts today in the cricket, I am feeling very run down, totally exhausted. My get up and go has left me feeling like a drained empty thing. Apart from that, not too bad this morning. Very high on the pollen today, a mix of grass and nettle mostly, eyes are streaming already and throat is tickly. In the afternoon: I went for a lay down as my neck and right shoulder was really hurting, sometimes just going to lay on the bed helps, that and my tablets....