First 10 Days in March - Life and Health
Looking back at the first 10 days of March in my life and health.
Saturday 1st March: DYDD GŴYL DEWI HAPUS, or Happy St David's Day.
Had to get up and do a shop for Dad. Then nodded off on my sofa, got a terrible neck pain when I woke. Then had to run a friend about.
Sunday 2nd March: Helped another friend today, this time to move. Didn't do much, drove, and moved a few very light things, somehow ended up with terrible back pain, had to put my father off, was planning on popping to see him today.
Will need my friends help when I get allocated a new flat or bungalow with housing.
Monday 3rd March: Can hardly move this morning, terrible back pain, worse than yesterday and right shoulder in agony too. Not sure what else is affected as I have not been able to get out of bed yet to find out.
JUST pushed myself to get out of bed, left hip in agony and knee with it, may need to use my crutch today.
I MUST get a few bits for my Dad today, can't let him down today.
My sister and her family must help a bit more. It can't be all on me. I have things to do.
As it is this week I can't do tomorrow, Thursday or Friday. Thursday because of eye appointment and laser zapping and Friday as eye will be recovering from the laser, and also doctors appointment.
Next week I have persistent pain clinic on Wednesday and Nero on Thursday.
Tuesday 4th March: Had Nero today, did. a few bits around the flat, knackered myself out a bit. Met a new friend in the evening, such a sweet guy.
Wednesday 5th March: Bit achy this morning, about 7.5 out of 10. Should be taking Dad out somewhere today.
So, ended up in Carmarthen, Dad brought dinner in the town's Weatherspoons establishment, not bad, but we're a bit slow and the hot drinks machines decided to malfunction. Also went to Home Bargains and Morrisons.
Walking round slowly with Dad, I ended up with bad back, left hip was killing and that on top of my left knee, which was playing up anyway.
Thursday 6th March: In pain from yesterday, got my eye appointment later today, friend is running me there and back. Won't be able to see properly for number of hours after it. After the eye appointment had to get eye drops from chemist, they apparently sting, advised not to drive after them.
Update on my Dad - he phoned this morning, after he had a call from the chest doctor about his breathing. He last saw him in the hospital before he was checked out. At that point his chest hadn't improved any since he went in, the nurse that Dad saw today listened and said it still don't sound better.
I'm noticing similarities between when my Mum was diagnosed with cancer to my Dad now.
Mum lost weight after she was in hospital, Dad's lost weight. Her chest didn't clear up when she was out and back home getting some care, same as Dad.
So far it's a parallel. Looking at a time line, it was 6 months after my Mum got out before she passed away. Dad has been out of hospital for about 3 weeks.
We are counting down from 6. I think Dad is coming up to 5 on the count down.
The last month was impossible, Dad was constantly looking after Mum in that month, along with carer visits. Not sure who will look after Dad when he gets to that stage.
Friday 7th March: woke up in agony with my back, damn fibromyalgia flare up again, want to scratch in the bone of my hip it feels that bad. My left eye is also itchy - time to start the stingy drops then. Need to do a few bits for Dad but can't see how.
Saturday 8th March: Not too bad, some aches and pains, nothing to bad. Popped to see Dad today, talked to his carer. We both agreed Dad should get the lifeline from Delta Wellbeing back. Also popped to see Juliet. Managed a walk up Kilvey Hill. In evening back and hips started aching.
Sunday 9th March: Not a good one today....
3am - Damn it, woken by severe back and hip pain, can't seem to feel my legs currently - this had better sort itself out by the time I want to get out of bed - always got gabapentin too hand by my bed.
7am - Can hardly move - fibro kicked in amplifying back and hip pain I had slightly, which I could deal with. Couldn't feel my legs earlier, pleased to say I can now.
11:30am - well it took a while but finally out of bed, still hurting, but sitting with back to the window with the heat from the sun it helping my neck and back, want to get outside for some fresh air though.
5pm - finally just managed to get out side for a little while thanks to neighbour.
Monday 10th March: Not long up, aches and pains, but on my pain scale about 6.5 out of 10, not like yesterday morning when it was off the scale!
Need to pop to my Dad's, don't want to head over too early as he's being assessed this morning and don't want to get in the way.
Wednesday got Persistent Pain Clinic, it's first appointment, see how it goes, not expecting miracles on the first one.
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