Not a good end to January

Well its not been a good ending to January. With my Dad now in hospital due to breathing issue, he looks very weak currently, but at least he has agreed to being moved in to some form of social care housing.

His house is a mess, but with my sister, brother in law and what ever I can do, we will do what we can!.

On to my health. I don't think my sister really knows hoe bad things are with me, and after talking to my Dad, same applies to him.

Yesterday: Fibro flare up, was sleeping so deeply didn't feel any warning in the night, just have to wait until I can get out of bed. 

It took me a while, but I finally managed to get out of bed and moving around - that took some doing. 

Today: Wondering if my gabapentin is still as effective as it should be? Still have slight fibro from yesterday.

I do have an appointment coming up with the Parsistant Pain Clinic in March, just hope they will be able to offer some kind of hope with pain and the fibromyalgia.

Looking further ahead, I've booked a birthday get away.


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