Panic at Morrisons

Been to Morrisons today, had forgot my inhaler. Why is it when I take it with me I hardly ever need it, yet when I leave it at home I need it? 

I got in to a bit of a panic and couldn't catch my breath - home now and feeling calm.

I have no idea what caused it, I just felt my self going, so I held on to my trolly and found a quiet part of the store to calm down. There is a table in one part of the store at the far end away from the checkouts, so I headed there and sat.

I need to talk to my doctor about this. These attacks are causing me problems, especially as I have no idea what is causing them.

I need to sort out my anxiety issues as a matter of urgency, I am aiming to do a bus journey ahead of what I hope to be a pathway in to work in the new year.

Maybe something is telling me to slow down? As I type this I am feeling a slight pain on the right hand side of my chest, am sure I will be ok. Early to bed for me.

Sometimes I hate what my body throws at me, I really do.


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