Fibro - It Continues


I have just the other day had my 'Migration to Universal Credit' letter through the post, so have filled in the online form and now wait.

Getting it has made me decide to push on with more of a blog on Fibromyalgia and Anxiety, to name just two things that run my life.

Just yesterday I made a massive decission to stop doing my voluntary work with SA Radio Live, the local community station for Swansea. There is a very good reason for this. I am finding my new time slot a difficult one to cope with. My slot was at the end of the day, and getting through it leaves me totally exhausted. It hasn't been an easy choice to make as I do live doing my show with them. At the same time, I have decided to keep doing my home recorded 1 hour show for Islands FM as this will give me a bit of an escape and take my mind of things in a small way.

I do need to put my health first.

I have joined a few groups on line for Fibromyalgia and am awaiting my GP to get me in with the Persistant Pain Clinic.

On another note, a few weeks ago I was thinking what type of work I can do. I do like driving so have come up with the idea of looking for a driving job. I applied for a car pick up and delivery driver with a company based in Birmingham. 

Enter another issue, social anxiety.

For the post I applied for I would need to use public transport (busses and trains) to get to pick up the cars and from drop off point to home. I need to overcome this. I put on my Facebook page my problem and a number of friends and followers came up with some solutions. I must first of all sort out my bus pass and disabled persons rail card, and then work on practicing bus and train journeys. 

I also need to put some support in place as well.

Yes I have my health issues, including needing to use a walking aid, I also get struck down with bad Fibro and great pain which can and does prevent me from getting out of bed and starting the day.

Universal Credit / DWP need to understand this, as does any one that takes me on.

I want to work, I want a life outside of my flat. A driving job IS the ideal job for me, and it will let me see more of the UK.

Saturday 26th October: Woke up in agony again this morning, took around 5 hours to get out of bed and start the day, but finally managed it.

Wednesday 30th October: I felt kind of good today so went out with a friend for what was to be a short drive to Neath, ended up going up and over mountains and ended up in Treorchy. Once in there you couldnt get out except by heading south out of the town towards Pontypridd. On the way home did a little shopping in Sainsbury's. When I got home after unwinding went to bed.

Thursday 31st October: Woke up in agony. My arms and shoulders and top of my back. Took a while to get out of bed. Was really struggling to get dressed, normally I struggle and manage in the end, but today I broke down in tears. Hannah came with Nero, and she helped me to put my top on. I hate relying on people, today I was in tears, I don't know what made me so tearful.

I think I may have overdone things on Wednesday with all that driving, but I do like driving and seeing places and different people, sometimes I know I push myself, especially when I feel ok.

Saturday 3rd November: This is how my Fibro attacks seem to start, sending me in to a place I hate, they seem to come on over night, and stay for a while, in some cases all day!

2:30am: Oh damn, woken up shooting pain in back and in left hip 

5:50am: Not been able to get back off to sleep, pleased I did go to bed early so managed about 5 hours, which is better than the 3 I would have had. In shear agony currently despite trying gentle exercise and turning my heat pad on.

7:42am: Drat I need to pee, I need to get out of bed, as soon as I'm up I better stay up!

8:48am: Finally sitting up, still need a pee

9:35am: Yes I managed it, up and about 

1:15pm: Seemed to nod off, as it was early afternoon when I woke! catching up on sleep maybe? not sure.

FRIDAY 15th November: Fibro awakens me.... damn it, thought this week was going too good, pain through the roof feeling like hell, what's triggered this?

As the morning went on nothing changed, even with my heat pad turned on.  The day progressed and nothing really changed, maybe a slight subside in pain, but not much.

It's bad days like this that really stop me dead in my tracks. Even slight pain can hit me.

Still waiting for an appointment with the Pain Clinic.

SATURDAY 16th November: A little better, but not much, but at least I can get out of bed. Got to the top of the stairs in my block and couldn't get down them though, pain in my back really stopped me. Even with lighter Fibro it still prevents me from getting down the stairs. Only one thing to do on days like this - GoPuff order for things I need.

FRIDAY 22nd November: Getting stressed out can have its issues, triggering Fibro at times. I was in touch with Caredig just over a week ago about my transfer to Universal Credit and getting a direct payment sorted out. As of this morning this hadn't been sorted out, so had to contact them again. 

Fibro started to rear its head again, dispite waking up not feeling too bad this morning. Mornings when I don't feel too bad, I tend to push on and get things done, caught up on. There is still so much I don't know about Fibro and its triggers, but getting stressed out seems to kick things off.

By early afternoon I had heard from Caredig saying they had requested direct payment, and I am now waiting to hear back from UC. Fibro still hanging about, getting stressed out is not fun.


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