Mental Health Update September 2024


Mental Health Update - September 2024

I'm wondering if the ammount of physical activity in ones life can affect your mental state? Here's two days from my Fibro blog:

Saturday 14th September: Pain at about 6 out of 10 this morning. Off to Radio Tircoed for about 4pm to train a few people up on Myriad system, then do my show. Felt totally drained when I got home. Pain at about 8 out of 10. May have over done today. You know, going to do something while good to be busy, it totally can floor you mentally and physically.

Sunday 15th September: Off up to Radio Tircoed today, pain first thing at about 6 out of 10, didn't sleep too well last night, but must get to Tircoed for about noon. Done a bit more training then covered for Karl between 1pm and 4pm, the emails didn't want to be opened this afternoon on the main studio computer, lucky one in the production room was letting them be opened!. Not a bad show, but by the time I got home felt drained and my pain was at about 8 out of 10.

There must be a link between mental and physical. I do feel good when I have things to do, yet feel drained and mentally tired after doing anything!

Tuesday 24th September: I'm having to ask my self has my mind been on tasks fully, and have to say, no it hasn't.

Dad isn't well, I know Fibro is becoming a pain for me.
I'm seriously thinking I have to rethink just what I am capable of doing, what is best for me and for others around me. Can I really give my all to what I am doing?
I am wondering if I can, and in all seriousness, I don't think I can.
Yesterday's massive Fibro attack made me realise I haven't got this in the least. I caved in, I went back under the duvet 😢
Today a call via WhatsApp cemented my thinking. I've been really trying but I've let people down. I've been diving my all as things have been getting worse. I could have swore I told people about issues 😭
Finding out this week my Dad has had bits found on his lungs, and the hospital is pushing for his appointments.
I myself need to manage the Fibro, got appointment with my GP later this week, and Fibro in Mid October.
I've been thinking and talking, will keep up with my show, do need some positivity in life. I will also keep up with my Islands FM show too.

Thursday 3rd October: Its injection day, woke up with pain at 8 out of 10, had sleepless night. Felt the need to escape in to nature so went to a mountain side, really needed that escape. After getting back felt very washed out, totally shattered, very drained. I do find escaping in to nature helps with my mental state.


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