Feeling fed up


I'm feeling fed up. My health is really getting to me big time. My fortnightly injection seems to not be as efficiant as it used to be, my medication seems to be less good at doing what it should be doing.

Now I know I can't be put on anything stronger as my stomach wont be able to deal with it... damn having a fragile one!

I decided at the start of the new year to keep pushing to find a job to do. Now I know I am limited, but do know what I am good at. 

I have been looking for social media roles, because I know I am good at that, and back during the pandemic did an online course on it that I passed.

I am also looking for radio and tv work, as I have experiance of both, and again during the pandemic, did a basic online journalism course.

I keep getting knocked back, and know the reason why. It's not because of lack of skills or determination, it is the fact I have health issues and companies would rather take on someone who is fully able bodied and fit.  This makes me so frustraited. Yes I know that there are days when my get up and go gets up and goes, and there are days when I find getting out of bed is a job in its self, but discount those and I can do what anyone else can.

I have had an eye issue, I had laser zapping of the left eye and also an eye op when the left lens was replaced. I had an appointment on Wednesday, where I was checked over. The specialist was very pleased with how the left eye is doing, and noticed a slight change in the back of the right eye, which more laser zapping will be needed.

I've also got a dentist appointment in two weeks time. I recently had blood test done for my Ankylosing Spondulitis.

Mustn't forget my social anxiety and depression, which is still plodding on.

I am really getting the urge to relocate, but still want to remain in Swansea as love this city, also getting the urge to book a get away, it may give me a boost that I need.


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