The Post Christmas Lergy

The Post Christmas Lergy

Since Christmas I have been feeling very down with a nasty cough that won't quit.

Being diabetic, I keep a check on my blood sugar. I can see the date when the lergy finally broke, just by looking at my blood sugar readings

Thursday 11th  11.8 / 12.1

Friday 12th 13.1 / 12.8

Saturday 13th 12.9 / 10.1 / 9.9 (started new diabetic meds here)

Sunday 14th 10.8 / 9.8 / 9.9

Monday 15th 9.3 / 9.8 / 9.9

Tuesday 16th 8.2 / 7.8 

Wednesday 17th 6.4 / 10.8 / 6.8

Thursday 18th 6.3

I think the infection broke around the 15th January. While I do still have the cough, it is not as bad as it was!


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