London Trip 2023

Down to London then, staying in an apartment in Hounslow while down here, it's not the Ritz but it's not a dump either. Comfortable sofa, comfortable bed too, few strange point that make 'Sweet Home' quirky, just wish I could park my car closer, will look in to that later!

Explored the town part of Hounslow, saw where Sunrise Radio is located, and some fabulous places to eat and buy food and other bits. The Christmas tree in the town lacks something, but it's an Asian / multi cultural area, with various faiths about, so let the local authority off on that one. 

Had a good night's sleep, so off to another part of London, it's blue skies outside, but a bit on the chilly side.

Here is a video of my short trip to London, also took some footage on a rather empty tube train heading to Baker Street on the Metropolitan line via 
Question: cheaper above or bellow ground?
Answer: nothing in it really, just be careful where you get on and off the bus or tube!


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