Christmas 2023 and into 2024


I'm not feeling like Christmas right now. My Dad's woman friend, Tel, passed away, she was found by Police yesterday, after Dad hadn't heard from her in a few days. I'm feeling less than perfect.

He's not told my sister yet, but she couldn't care less! She's said as much in an email basically washing her hands of it all and has more or less told me to take sides.

Now I'm going to have to confront Dad about his house, there's no way I can set foot in there as the smell makes me want to throw up, didn't want to do that til new year. Oh what a Christmas this will be, damn it. I feel like I'm trapped between two dead end roads with no right of way.

My downstairs neighbour said if my sister isn't talking to him she won't know I've been there. I can see where she is coming from though. I can't set foot in the house as it is anymore, it turned my stomach the other day, even a face mask don't help.

I've decided to send my Dad a letter, setting things out, and passing on to him a phone number on to him of a social care organisation that can help him sort things out. But as it goes a letter isn't needed to be sent as Dad has decided after a talk on the phone, he would accept some help, so have passed details and a number on to him of an organisation in Carmarthenshire that can help him.

Just after Christmas Day I have been struck down with a nasty virus, my throat is raw, I keep coughing and and now bringing up phlegm, so I will be heading in to 2024 this way too.... never mind, could be worse.

Aside from this I am looking at escaping life in Swansea by travelling both in the UK and beyond.

My thoughts and prayers at the end of 2023 and in to 2024 are with all those affected by war, no matter what side they are on. I hope for peace around the world in 2024 for all.

SO, IN TO JANUARY – 11th Jan 2024:

I still have this cold, nasty cough and sore throat. Been to doctors today and then to the X-Ray department of Singleton Hospital in Swansea for a chest X-Ray.

17th Jan 2024:

My cough is FINALLY going and my blood sugar is returning to normal... thank goodness! The X-Ray showed nothing out of the ordinary. 


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