Following the Autumn Statement & Question Time

Following on from the Autumn Statement on Wednesday, and BBC Question Time.

I'm on ESA, I want to work, and have even tried applying for jobs. My health is a warning sign it seems to employers. I have days when I can't get out of bed, where it's just too much of an effort to even lift my head off the pillow. When I am able to do things I throw my all into it.

I then suffer because of it by my body rebelling. It really gets on my nerves. I would love to work, but there are so many fit and healthy people about, why would a company take on someone like me who would be unreliable for them and the work world in general?

Do the government see this or understand this? I'm on PIP, the mobility part goes towards keeping me independent (can't use busses due to anxiety) the other part goes towards CBD oil to reduce my need for some medication and to save the Welsh NHS money on my prescription.

I'm on ESA as well, this is used for the rest of my living costs. I really want to work. I do currently try to do voluntary work, this sector seems a good way to 'give back' to the country for my benefit.

Recently the BBC cut back on local BBC Radio output. There are many like me, who volunteer at community and online radio stations who are passionate about what they do. The BBC should tap into this and offer these people a chance, a slot on BBC local radio in return for being left alone and left on their benefit. After all the BBC is funded by the licence fee, a government tax. 


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