Recipe: Paprika Chicken

Recipe: Paprika Chicken

If you like something cheap for a meal, if you look in the right places, you can find fairly cheap chicken. Chicken thighs seem to be the most cost effective, try to find skinless if you can, it seems buying them in bulk may be cheaper.

I've got a really tasty coating for them, recipe coming up.

First of all get your roasting tin out and preheat the oven to gas mark 7.
In the tin put some olive oil, and make sure you cover the tin with the oil..

Then get your chosen chicken portions out and wash them, as mentioned, I find thighs more economical.

Dry them off and put them in the tin, rotate them to get them coated in oil.

Then in a mug or dish put some paprika, garlic granules, termeric, parsley and some salt (just a little salt, not so much). Sprinkle the mixed spices and herbs over the chicken and cook.

Once cooked serve with home made potato wedges, oven chips or maybe a nice salad, and enjoy!


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