October 2023

October 2023  

This is the month of my holiday to Austria & Slovenia!

Wednesday 3rd October: Damn it, fibromyalgia strikes in the night again. My whole body is in agony, feeling extremely tingly and achy. Not even sure I can remember a warning sign of its impending visit yesterday 🥺

Not a way to be woken up in the night that's for sure.

Think I may have forgotten my gabapentin though, so that could be why it's dropped by 😔

Thursday 5th October: Well, a sluggish day so far today, got Nero later (he always cheers me up big time, bless him)

Doctor will be phoning later to discuss my diabetic readings of the last few days. Also today am waiting on Amazon delivery, and I think one other parcel too.

My mind is going... I thought I had Amazon order coming today... guess who forgot to check out his order? never mind, will come tomorrow now.

Had Nero today, he’s a fantastic dog, he looks after me, he’s like my shadow!

Friday 6th October: Just gone 5am

What the.... my lower back, left hip and most of my left leg are killing me, left shoulder hurting too, think I slept too much on my left side in the night. Let's see if I can get a few more hours shut eye.

Finally, out of bed at 8:45am. In case you are wondering, my pain is at about 6 out of 10 and mostly on the left side of my body.

Feeling sick again, I think it is excitement setting in, why does this happen to me? It sure is annoying, still not sure why this happens. There must be a reason for it.

Yes, my Amazon parcel IS due to arrive today, but I also need to get a few things from the shop, or shall I do a ‘Go Puff’ order? I’ve got Nero tomorrow again, also Neil (best friend) popping by.

Saturday 7th October: Last Saturday before my holiday to Austria and Slovinia, am so looking forward to this break away.

Saturday means Saturday Kitchen Live, just love this show, always interesting guests and chefs too.

My boiler is gurgling and I'm not getting hot water. Damn it, wanted a shower, it was ok yesterday. I e-mailed repairs, but may have to phone them. What a way to start Saturday morning ... with cold water from the hot tap.

As I am typing this bit this morning a parcel came, and the door to the block won’t open again…. Grrrrrr.

You may remember I recently picked up my new Motability car, well yesterday I had a letter from them, bit late on arriving though!

Not too sure why the delay in this letter arriving, but there you go!

I have Nero again today, I love looking after him, such a well-behaved dog.

Sunday 8th October: 

Neil came over last night, always good to see him. This morning we decided to venture out for some fresh air and a walk, or in my case a wobble!

I get so frustrated when walking with a stick, I just hate it. It makes me feel different. I shouldn’t be thinking like this but I just can’t help it.

Some times I think I should talk to someone about my feelings. Being disabled is not a thing I want to be. I used to be able to do so much in life, like going to theme parks and going on long walks up hills and under waterfalls.

Anyway, did enjoy the views and the fresh air, and sort of having a conversation with a sheep!

I sorted my rubbish out AND put my bottles out. Tomorrow have to pop to the chemist, pop to the tip AND pop to B&M... it's all go!


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