August 2023 - More in-depth update

Another new month, we sure are zooming through 2023 aren't we!

August started with a visit to Neath Port Talbot hospital and an appointment in the Rheumatology department. I had to score my aches and pains and the Fibromyalgia. I think I may have under scored them some what! Time to keep taking a record for this month starting with 2nd August!

WEDNESDAY 2nd: Feeling run down and achy, about 5 out of 10. I did have an appointment to see the nurse at the surgery, but emailed to cancel as feeling less than well enough to venture out.

THURSDAY 3rd: I HAD to venture out to get some bits. Went to Home Bargains, was pushing the trolley and my hip started playing up. My aches and pains this morning started as about a 4 out of 10. By the time I got back to the car it turned in to 6 out of 10. Still not finished I made my way to Morrisons. By the time I finished in there I was feeling very run down, every bone in my body and every joint was achy, was feeling like it was a 9 out of 10. Back home now and all I want to do is sleep, but have got Nero to look after shortly. 
BP BEFORE BED 129 / 83     BLOOD SUGAR 8.8

FRIDAY 4th: Woke up at about 3am feeling tingly and in agony, about 9 out of 10. So woke up this morning at about 10:30am, after interrupted sleep. Pain at about 7 out of 10.

SATURDAY 5th: Woke early, had my radio show to do. Pain at about 6 out of 10 this morning. At 10am had my breakfast. Had muesli and freshly juiced pear, carrot and orange juice with a little added ginger.
BP FIRST THING 123 / 89      BLOOD SUGAR 1hr after breakfast 14.2
Done a little light cleaning in the flat, pain slightly elevated to about 7 out of 10.

SUNDAY 6th: Woken up at about 8am and decided to go and see my Dad so I could give my car a clean, as it needed it. Started the day with pain at about 4 out of 10, by the time I had finished cleaning my car it has risen to 7 out of 10.

MONDAY 7th: Not feeling too bad this morning, pain at about a 5 out of 10, at a manageable level. Went down stairs to get milk in and decided to then do my morning BP & bloods.
BP AFTER MILK IN 138 / 90    OXYGEN 99     BLOOD SUGAR 7.3
Now it’s time for my morning cuppa, tablets and breakfast.

TUESDAY 8th: Didn’t do much today, feeling very headachy and having slight breathing issues, think it’s down to weather
BP FIRST THING 122 / 81        OXYGEN 95    BLOOD SUGAR 7.6
2HRS AFTER BREAKFAST 124 / 83                 BLOOD SUGAR 12.1
My pain levels today is at about 7 out of 10

WEDNESDAY 9th: Woke up sweating in the early hours and in a bit of pain, about 6 out of 10
BP FIRST THING 120 / 81         OXYGEN 96        BLOOD SUGAR 8.0

THURSDAY 10th: Had difficult night of sleep, couldn’t breathe too good, felt extremely muggy last night. This morning in great pain 9 out of 10. Tried to do my regular stairs exercise and couldn’t manage it, trapped in my flat until I can manage them. This happens at least once a week, I don’t find it annoying unless I have things that I want to get out of the block to do. I really want to get on the transfer list for a bungalow or ground floor flat so I don’t have this issue.

{MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS: When I can’t get down stairs and out of the block I get really agitated, it gets on my nerves and drives me mad. I get so on edge and fed up about life in general.}

BP FIRST THING 126 / 85          OXYGEN 95       BLOOD SUGAR 7.9  

FRIDAY 11th: Feeling very drained today, very achy with it too, pain 7 out of 10

BP FIRST THING 125 / 81           O96          BLOOD SUGAR 8.1

SATURDAY 12th: Woke up early morning, 5am, in total agony and sweating, damn the Fibromyalgia – pain 8.5 out of 10

BP FIRST THING 127 / 85           O94          BLOOD SUGAR 7.3

As the day went on the afternoon came and before lunch checked again

BP BEFORE LUNCH 122 / 81                O97  BLOOD SUGAR 8.1

SUNDAY 13th: Took things easy today, didn’t really doo much. Apart from put recycling out and bottles. Pain after getting bits in at about 6 out of 10

BP BEFORE BED 131 / 86            O98          BLOOD SUGAR 8.8

MONDAY 14th: After getting milk in and emptied pink bag and food waste, and before breakfast, decided to check my stats

BP FIRST THING 129 / 86           O97          BLOOD SUGAR 7.2

TUESDAY 15th: Feeling OK today. Pain at a normal level, about 4 out of 10


WEDNESDAY 16th: Went shopping just after 11am, decided to check things after returning home. Pain level when I got home was about 7 out of 10


I guess after doing physical things, blood sugar is used up by the body to fuel it.

Went for a light walk around the Marina in the evening with Neil. Pain level in my hip elevated to 8 out of 10. When I got home before bed pain had subsided a little to 7 out of 10

BP BEFORE BED 130 / 85                O98               BLOOD SUGAR 8.2

THURSDAY 17th: Dog sat Nero today, mid-afternoon my pain was at about 5 out of 10

BP MID AFTERNOON 124 / 81      O97                BLOOD SUGAR 8.4

FRIDAY 18th: Felt really down today, every part of me is aching today, which made getting the milk in very unpleasant. Feel very stuffed up too, feels a bit on the humid side.

BP FIRST THING 131 / 84           O95          BLOOD SUGAR 7.9

BP BEFORE BED 129 / 83            O96          BLOOD SUGAR 8.8

NOTE FOR DIABETIC NURSE: I really think I need to go back on Semaglutide, maybe on 0.5 dosage

SATURDAY 19th: Still not feeling right, feeling very drained, even though I had plenty of sleep

BP FIRST THING 125 / 81           O96          BLOOD SUGAR 8.1

Today I wrote a letter to Yale University Press, I hope they will publish my manuscript, which by blog makes up part of!

SUNDAY 20th: Feeling very down today, was sure I had something to do today, but didn’t remember what until 9pm this evening, only about 9 hours too late. My mind is forgetting more and more these days.

Put milk bottles out and recycling out, these readings taken an hour after doing that.

BP BEFORE BED 128 / 88            O98          BLOOD SUGAR 8.3

MONDAY 21st: Got milk in and done my exercises, these results taken half hour after getting milk in and doing said exercises

BP AFTER DOING BITS 132 / 89  O97          BLOOD SUGAR 7.2

After doing stats, I had my tablets and had my breakfast.

Went out to do a little shopping, needed few bits, these readings done an hour after getting in

BP MID AFTERNOON 130 / 87     O98          BLOOD SUGAR 8.8

TUESDAY 22nd: Feels muggy this morning. Had headache build over night

BP FIRST THING 125 / 85           O95          BLOOD SUGAR 7.3

Re-read text that Royal Mail sent this morning, misread it when it came in at 6:20am, seems I waited in all day for nothing! Parcel coming tomorrow and not today! My memory is really doing strange daft things!

BPEARLY EVENING 133 / 86       O94          BLOOD SUGAR 8.9

WEDNESDAY 23rd: Up early, still got headache, still feels muggy. Parcel came not long after waking up.

BP FIRST THING 124 / 83           O95          BLOOD SUGAR 7.3

After getting my milk in done a check on stats (well a few) again

BP AFTER MILK IN 133 / 89        O96

THUR 24th: 129 / 85 O97  BLOOD SUGAR first thing FORGOT

FRI 25th:   125 / 83     O95  BLOOD SUGAR first thing 8.3

SAT 26th: 123 / 81     O96  BLOOD SUGAR first thing 8.6

Readings for the rest of August 2023

27th Aug.   120 / 85     O96 BLOOD SUGAR first thing 8.0
28th Aug.   122 / 83     O 97 BLOOD SUGAR first thing 8.3
29th Aug.   120 / 79     O 98 BLOOD SUGAR first thing 7.9
30th Aug.   118 / 76     O 97 BLOOD SUGAR first thing 7.6
31st Aug.   121 / 77     O 99 BLOOD SUGAR first thing F

And that brings to a close August 2023, and my regular updates of my blog.

Thank you for taking time to read this. Take care and stay safe one and all.



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