June 2023

June 2023
Another month, same ol' stuff going on.

At the start of the month I managed a walk, only a gentle walk, but a walk nether the less, my body didn't thank me for it, day after the walk I was in agony.  Couldn't do anything around the flat at all.

The dry weather although nice, is really not agreeing with me.

As the humid weather kicked in around about the 9th of June my breathing became difficult.

Waking up in bed full of sweat wasn't pleasant, combine that with chronic pain and Fibromyalgia amplifying it ... Not good.

On Wednesday 14th I've got another laser eye zapping to get through... not looking forward to it though.

As I get ready to head to the hospital, Wednesday 14th June, I am hoping it's the last of the laser zapping, I just want my vision properly back in my left eye.  Bit on the achy side again this morning which is making getting ready difficult, but as normal, I struggle on.

Well, the laser eye zapping went ok, can see a bit clearer, but not 100%, at best I would say 75%, still some blurry artefacts, and few floaters remaining, but have to give my eye a few days to settle down and for bits to be absorbed by the fluid in the eye.

Sunday 18th June, it's Father's Day, so to my dad, John, Happy Father's Day.

Left eye still a little blurry in patches, think another zapp with laser is needed.

I saw a post on a friend's Facebook page and left the following comment....

I feel your pain, as you know I suffer with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia and a few other things. I'm on gabapentin, and co-codamol - the pain I feel is always there, even if I take the whole 8 co-codamol I can take in the day I still have pain, so I adjust and balance the pain trying to take as little co-codamol as possible, Fibromyalgia ramps up the pain and my nerves, without the gabapentin the fibro really kicks in big time. Life sucks, but friends understand.

My left eye STILL isn't right, still blurry in parts, but it's improving. Talking of my eyes, off to Specsavers today.

Pain wise, been in general aches and pains, this past week been around 5 out of 10. Been remembering to take my gabapentin which seems to help with the Fibromyalgia, sadly does nothing for my memory. I struggle on with life as normal.

My life isn't good, but it could be worse.

As June came to an end, I went to Specsavers for my eye test. I needed distance and reading glasses. Specsavers were brilliant as always, their team in the Swansea Kingsway branch are wonderful. 

Aches and pains still exist, just seem to be pushing it to the side, as am fed up of writing about it and you probably reading about it!


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