May 2023


In to the fifth month of the year, still getting tired a lot, my blood pressure seems to be improving, and my diabetic blood sugar levels seem to be within a good range.

Eye wise, I am due some laser zapping again to clear up as one specialist called it, frosting behind the lens that was put in, after that my vision should be ok, so am now on a waiting list for that!


5th May 2023: Woke up by great pain in my right arm, right shoulder, top of my back and neck, feeling sick with the pain again too. Pain is at 9 out of 10 I would say.


8th May 2023: Well, it’s my 48th birthday today, kind of a quiet one, uneventful, but that’s ok. Pain at a capable level, felt a little queasy this morning but not sick though.


9th May 2023: Managed to venture out today with Neil. Had a little walk along the beach foot path, got some good fresh sea air and some moody photos, here is one of them....

photo © Philip (Phil) England MMXX!!!

16th May 2023: Last week I managed to get out in to nature, walking amongst the trees listening to the sounds of birds and nature, it really helped my mental state of mind, even though later in the day my back was in bits, it was worth it. I've been doing a few bits out in the garden, potting up plants and also doing bits around the flat. As always, I don't seem to be able to listen to my body and have ended up in agony later in the day and the following day.


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