April 2023


April 2023, and it started of with great pain. 

Saturday 1st April 2023: Started off the new month with pain at about 5 out of 10, this increased to about 8 out of 10 as the day went on.

Early to bed, pain killers had, lower back is in terrible agony, hurts to sit and stand - heating pad on, which is helping.

Sunday 2nd April 2023: Still very achy but less than I was yesterday when I went to bed, pain at about 6 out of 10. Seem to have a runny nose too.

Saturday 8th April: So there are Semaglutide supply issues again.

People seem to be getting hold of it somehow and selling it on the black market, the Semaglutide helps people lose weight it's been discovered, and people are using that and buying it. It's annoying because I need it to control my blood sugar, it's taken me ages to get to where I am, I'm off the insulin now, only having to inject once a week for my diabetes instead of every day, don't have to worry about constant testing (pricking my fingers to get blood out) but now stressing out about not being able to get hold of what's needed, and I'm trying to keep my blood pressure down, stressing out not helping that!

The chemists could give me the 0.5mg injection version in place of the 1mg, but would need to get new prescription from doctors. I would need two pens of that for the correct dosage. They still have next week before Friday to try to sort this, I know about issues and put in the prescription request last week early when I had 1 dose left, just in case.

Had issues with the supply over Christmas, I had to change the meal plans I had planned, watch even more closer what I ate, I did it but it made life so much harder and more difficult, I did it though, but hate it, hate getting upset and stressed.

I hate change, hate having to adapt spur of moment, like to think things through over time, maybe making slight adjustments, and not have to think quick, it happens in shops sometimes, I end up just walking away from the problem and leaving it.

It's really gets me at times, drags me down.

Wednesday 12th April: STILL no sign pf Semaglutide, and I am stressing out, not doing my blood pressure any good at all!

Yesterday I went back to Specsavers, but the optician couldn’t get the prescription of my left eye, due to it being blurry. Had drops put in and even tried to get an eye scan. They will write to the specialist in the hospital, and request laser eye surgery to fix the issue.

Pain the last few days has been at a level of about 5 or 6 out of 10. Been feeling very tired, so sleeping a lot.

Monday 17th April: Life as it is for me, still goes on, seems this year my hay fever due to tree pollen is really bad this year, making my already painful life even more hell.

Friday 21st April: FINALLY heart that my diabetic injection is back in stock!, and told I should order the next two weeks ahead of time just in case. Feeling fed up with waking up with aches and pains, and just as I think I’m having a good day, the pain rears its head again!

Monday 24th April: Feeling a little off colour this afternoon, aches & pains have subsided a little, but feeling cold.

Wednesday 26th April:  Was just having a tidy up when I came over a bit dizzy, blood pressure ok, blood sugar ok too. Going to sit before I do anything else.

Thursday 27th April: I've done it again, done myself in Spring cleaning part 2.... will I ever learn? in agony again. Pain level this past week has been between 6 and 8 out of 10, not good.

Well April is coming to an end, not much to really report, same old same old really. Had one hospital appointment cancelled for a second time, my left eye still not right following the op back in October last year. What lays ahead in May?, I wait and see!


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