2nd Month of 2023


Oh damn, fibro flare up, can hear the pain in my head, painful tingle all over... welcome to the new month 😓

Well, 1st of the month, and after being woken up in the early hours, I got some cleaning bits done!

Then I was looking in the hall cupboard for a trowel which I thought I had, as was going to go outside and take out dead growth from my tubs, and came over sick and seemed to have made my pain levels rise again.... damn it!

I had such good intentions for this afternoon.


2nd day of the month, its update time!

Eyes: got more laser zapping tomorrow on my good eye to keep it good, will chase my bad eye appointment at the same time!

Health: feeling better today than yesterday, I didn't really pace myself yesterday, as soon as I felt better, I threw myself into doing things, will I ever learn?

Friday 3rd Feb: at the diabetic eye clinic for more laser zapping on my right eye, the good one to keep it good, but also had a scan of my left eye. It seems something was left behind from the eye op I had in October that shouldn't have been that is causing bleeding at the back of my eye, which is making my vision blurry. I've got another appointment on Wednesday.

Saturday 4th Feb: Why can't my bladder operate on the same time line as the rest of me? It knows when I go to bed, it knows when I get up, yet it wakes me up to pee most nights. I was having a good sleep and was all warm and snug. Okay, back to sleep.

So Saturday morning and it's my usual 'must watch' Saturday Kitchen Live.

I've got doggy company today, Nero and then Cosmo & Harley. Who needs to socialise with humans when you can with dogs?

Friday 10th Feb: Owch, dead right arm, feels like it weighs a ton and a half, think I slept too heavy, as got one hell of a thumping headache. 

Edit: My upper back and neck is in agony, as well as my right hip and lower back – pain at about an 8 out of 10. 

Feeling a bit sick with it.

Saturday 11th Feb: Feeling sick again this morning, in pain all over, pain at about a 7 out of 10.

Monday 13th Feb: I keep sneezing today, so far sneezed my mug of tea, my rice crispies and my tablets all over my flat! 🙄

In sneezing, I have aggravated my neck and top part of my back into pain, up until I started sneezing it was a soso day, with just light aches and pains. Pain started at about 3 out of 10, after sneezing aggravated things it is at about 6.5 out of 10

Tuesday 14th Feb: ðŸ’– Valentine’s Day 💖 I had a card from Craig, bless him. Nice spring like day, which has lifted my mood. Windows in flat open, fresh air coming in, mustn’t over do things, must pace myself, will aim for a light walk this afternoon, but not too far.

Tuesday 28th Feb: The past few days I have been waking up half way through the night feeling sick, don't know why.

Been waking up with my normal aches and pains this past week, but this morning, last day of February, my shoulders, neck and top of back are really in agony 8 out of 10 on my pain scale.

A new month just round the corner!


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