December 2022 - Brrrr what a cold one

 December - the start of Winter...

photo taken by Philip England

And since the start of this month I have been without my Imraldi injection, this has seemed to cause more issues for my body to deal with, seems the fibromyalgia has taken note of this and been playing with me.

I couldn't get my Ozempic, once weekly injection for my diabetes. Nowhere in Swansea had the 1mg dosage I normally have, I phoned NHS111 and even they couldn't locate any stock in the whole of South or West Wales.

My GP, Dr Burke, managed to find out that my chemist had the 0.5mg dosage variety, so will have to double up on that one for now.

This cold weather hasn't helped matters. My breathing has been hurting, I've been in pain my back and other parts, and haven't really been able to keep warm and stay warm.

I’ve once again had issues with sickness first thing, especially today, Friday 16th December. Not too sure why, but took half a day to clear.

Speaking of things clearing, my left eye is still all a blur.

I dog sat Nikki down in Surrey over Christmas, my enjoyment of driving has turned in to a chore. I'm hoping that 2023 will start with a clearer vision!

Happy New Year!


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