Early August 2022 - Health Update

7th August - Blog Entry:

Heat is building!

Had a funny feeling I had over done yesterday, down and upstairs a number of times sorting my plant tubs out in the garden, before doing that going to Home Bargains and Tesco's, I ignored my limits and just kept on going, and now I am paying for it, not as bad as it could have been but still enough to stop me from doing much today. Should be popping to see some of the Cuppa and Chat group later this morning (if I can manage it!)

11th August - Blog Entry:

In a scorching heatwave! 

Woken up by a thumping headache, feeling a bit queasy, and my neck and shoulders are killing me! I hate feeling like this, just feel like hiding away when I feel like this, the heat isn't helping

17th August - Blog Entry:

Finally it feels fresher!

So I may have over done sorting out cupboards today, my back and shoulders are starting to play up!         I seemed to have only just moved things out and right back in, nothing got thrown away.... Pointless really. Bed for me now, I know it's time for bed as just cracked a bad joke on a friend's post on their wall!


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