Tuesday 26th April

For the last few nights I have been waking up at about 2am and going back to sleep about half an hour later, not sure why. I seem to be getting around 7 hours sleep a night.

Pain wise today, it's at about a 6 out of 10. The Fibromyalgia seems to be playing it cool and not pushing it's self too much so far today, but one thing I have learnt is it can turn just like that.

 I try to keep positive thoughts, which seems to help me manage to some degree, but even then it don't help much. There is always underlying pain every day thanks to the Ankylosing Spondylitis, Osteoporosis and the Carpal Tunel in my hands.

Why do I keep a blog?
I find it useful for keeping a record of daily struggles of life and my health. Keeping it is also a useful tool to help the DWP my GP and hospital specialists understand what I am going through.

You can visit me onbline facebook.com/philengland and twitter.com/philengland1 also my website philengland.com



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