Mental Health & Covid-19 #MentalHealthMatters


Mental Health & Covid-19

With the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns easing and the continue rising of cases in some areas of the UK, it is natural to feel stressed, to feel anxiety and confusion.

First of all, it is ok, more than ok to have a cry. Crying is a good way to release pressure, and to help get things out in the open. No one is weak if they cry, and don’t let anyone tell you any different.

I have been suffering with depression for years, not being able to fully shake it. I have found talking to friends a good way to help. At the moment I feel the NHS is under more than enough pressure with things to deal with. There are a number of mental health charities out there that can give help and advice, such as Mind. You can contact them via social media platforms, as well as going to their website at and this page can make sure you get the right help that you need

Back in 2020, around about the Summer time, my Dad was going against the advice and the rules set out by the Welsh Government, and I was really worried about him. I was in such a state over it that my sister stepped in and said I should really speak to my doctor, which I did. My GP talked to me and increased my anti-depressants, from the small dose I had been on to a much stronger dose, which I noticed was starting to really affect me.  Because I had been on them before, and learnt the signs, I got back in touch with my GP and told them that I knew the dose I was on was too high, and was there middle ground between the low dose and the high dose.  Luckily there was and I was dropped down to it.  Right now, I feel I wouldn’t be able to cope without them at all.

Now that life is starting to get back to some kind of normal, I am having a really tough time trying to get to grips with getting back out in to normal-ish life. It is difficult to contemplate going out and mixing with people again, I just can’t bring myself to do it. As much as I would really love to socialise with my friends again, I am just not ready.

I am doing what I feel is safe for me, what is right for me. If you feel you can’t start to live life again, don’t feel pressured to. The only person that can tell you that you are ready to live again is you. Do what you feel is right, and never feel pressured to do anything that you don’t want to do.

I know a good friend of mine who is currently going through a tough time, and I understand it, I have been and am currently living it. It is, as I have said, fine to cry if you want to. It is fine to hide away if you feel that is what you want to do. At the same time it is important to talk to people, not to bottle it up.

Everyone is human, everyone is different, everyone has their own ways of coping. While I may be going through issues myself, I am always happy to hear how others are, to hear what problems others are dealing with. I am more than happy to give some advice if you feel it will be of assistance to you. Just being someone to listen is a good thing to be, I am hear for you, as are a number of mental health charities, such as the already mentioned Mind.

There are others, just do a search for one in your part of the country or world.

It is OK not to be OK, it is OK to cry, it is OK to do what you feel is right, it is not OK to suffer alone. I am here for you.

I would like your views on mental health and Covid, so please comment bellow, thank you

Take care and stay safe.

#MentalHealth #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthAwareness #Mind #NHSEngland #NHSScotland #NHSWales #NHSNorthernIreland #GIGCymru #DontSufferAlone #TalkAboutIt #SeekHelp #ItsOKToCry #ItsOKNotToBeOK


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