Great Back Pain

 Great Back Pain – 20th August 2021

Last night I went down stairs, knees popping and left hip hurting, to put the milk bottle out, on putting it down I somehow kicked off my bad back pain. It was a shooting pain that really stopped me dead in my tracks.

I slowly made it back in to the flat, every move sending shooting pain up my back. Pain at a 8

I took some pain killers and also some CBD oil and went to bed half dressed

Woke up a number of times in the night in agony, but managed to get back off to sleep. Pain at a 7

Finally woke this morning at about 8:45am still in pain but not as much, took my morning medication with a cuppa. Started to get back to normal manageable pain levels – Pain at a 5, so went down to get the milk in. It happened again, bad back pain again, shooting up my back. So once again I slowly made it back to my flat, sat down and had a cry. Pain at a 8

This is no way to live, and knowing nothing can be done does not fill me with any kind of excitement or joy.  I just have to muddle through life like this, and make the best of this bad thing.

You can view my videoblog that goes along with this blog at

Living life with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain is no fun at all, it really gets me down and affects me mentally. Add to that my popping knees, carpal tunnel, diabetes (which is under control), slight heart issue, depression, anxiety plus asthma and hay fever.... not a good life at all!




1      can’t remember days like this

2      can’t remember days like this

3      can’t remember days like this

4      most of the time I am around here


5      most of the time I am around here

6      most of the time I am around here

7      starting to turn bad


8      when I have bad pain / bad days

9      days when I just want to give up

10    days when I just want to give up


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