Health Latest - 3rd July 2021

Health Latest, posted 3rd July 2021

Well, Thursday just gone I did my 2 weekly injection, Imraldi (that's its brand name, I can spell that with no problems!), as normal, it hurts, but its nothing compared to how things turn out any number of days AFTER doing it.

It was Wednesday 30th June, the day before the injection. I woke up with slight back pain, which normal for me on a scale of 1 to 10 about a 4. Everything was going fine for the first few hours, I pottered about the flat doing this and that. I managed to get out for some fresh air, a quick wobble around the block and back. 

Got in and felt a bit sleepy, so had a nap, as it was warm, I decided to lay down in the bedroom, it is always nice and cool in there. A few hours later I was awoken by a sharp shooting pain in my back up to my neck and across to my shoulders, on my scale it was either an 8 or 9. I had to get to my pain killers and quick, which is not easy. Anyway, the pain kept at that level until about 10pm when it started to ease.

Thursday rolled around, and as soon as I woke up felt I was still in pain, not its normal 4, but about a 5. Did my Imraldi and seemed to be ok.

Friday I felt almost normal again and knowing I had just done my injection yesterday, decided it was time to escape and venture out for the day. So went to Aberaeron and also Aberystwyth. Had a pleasant day, nothing strenuous, just a gentle walk / wobble around, sat down a few times with a cool drink and one stop had a nice cup of tea.

This morning how ever, Saturday, two days after my Imraldi, and my pain is at a 6, think I may have over done it yesterday.


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