Life's What You Make It After Covid

I read on a friend's Facebook wall that "life as we know it ended last March, and will never be the same again", this is a negative way of looking at it.

I want to shake my world up, get things sorted health wise so I can claw my life back and start doing long walks again, hence why I'm looking towards India for their health care

Life as we know it may have ended, but soon enough with the vaccine and science life will be back, and may be better than before. 

This time has given us all time to look at our lives and take stock. I did an online journalism course and got a pass grade, bettering my self in the process.

Look to the future, life is what you make it. Learn something while we are all restricted, better yourself for your future. The future is yet to come, make it a positive bright one.

Things seem gloomy right now, but that will change, the cloud cover will clear.

As George Burns said 'I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life'

If you are suffering with mental issues, and need a bit of help or guidance, drop Helen Enser Morgan a message on Facebook, she is the best.


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