In My Mind... Health and Covid 🤯

 So here's a blog update, long time since a readable text one that I thought I better had.

A lot of talk has been going around on the upcoming vaccine. Due to my health (on regular injection for my back which lowers my immune system), I am prone to catching things and ending up in hospital, as long as the vaccine has been tested I will have it, I'm not sure my body would cope with Covid, the damage it can do internally.

My body barely got over pneumonia, my lungs never fully recovered. 

The injection for my back lowers my immune system, and it don't even make things better, it prevents it getting worse, but it won't get better. They won't even attempt an operation as I'm not bad enough. I am stuck in an agonising rut, with no view of getting out of it.

Same goes with my neck, and a trapped nerve. I can be in agony with it on and off. When it starts I am in great pain and also get numbness, right down the arm and around the upper back, neck and shoulder areas. It can last from 10 mins to over 10 hours. Yet because its not constant its not.bad enough.

My back problem is causing problems elsewhere too. My left leg is in pain. My hip and knee is really causing huge mobility problems. Needing to use a walking aid to get through the day, to try to get out and.about.

I have realised I need to try to exercise, try to walk. I put my self through great pain trying to do it. I'm either doing good or being stupid landing my self in agony. With doing this, I also give my lungs a battering, needing my inhaler all the time.

Trying to be independent is either doing me a bit of good, or ruining me, not sure which.

And now, as mentioned, there is Covid, which is making me live life trapped, getting agitated with stupid people that are not following the rules. It really is a horrid time to be 'living', wrong word, lets go with 'trying to exist'

Covid and my health falling in to nowhere mans land in the system of the NHS machine, just because I am not bad enough for operations, yet am too bad to do things. I want to work, but look what is happening around the UK, company lay-offs, more able bodied people that will be taken on for any job than my self. It is not looking good for my health or the UK as a whole.

UPDATE 7th October 2020: 

I been sleeping way too much, I am sure it is due to damp and cloudy, dismal days causing it, lack of sunshine peaking out from behind the clouds? 

Little Smokie has been keeping an eye on me, demanding me to play... Bless him, my cute little sweetie.  

I am sure my coping mechanism to deal with the sh## this world is throwing at us is my pillow and duvet? talking to people seems to not be cutting it right now, as we are all going through it and it seems pointless right now.


  1. It’s great to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same out of date rehashed material. Fantastic read. Best melalite forte 4 service provider

    1. Just seen this comment, thank you for your kind words. You can get direct links to my health related written blogs at - hope you are keeping well, take care & stay safe. PHIL


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